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can we be beautiful still?

  1. What does it mean to be beautiful if not to be true? what does it mean to be beautiful if not to see you, and me, and what we are and what we can be? what does it mean to be beautiful in our world, at a time like this.

Beauty has a right to live everywhere.

But what does it mean to be able to behold the beauty, still? when there are horrors that keep us up at night, hounding and drawing wounds that cause us to be…them.

2. Tiny Joys?

Is there such a thing? Is joy in of itself not a noble pursuit, incapable of being measured, or small?

Tiny joys, nonetheless. maybe those are the ones that keep us alive, in small ways, to the beauty, the bits within our days that we hold onto to carry us through.

tiny joys:

– a pink sky. the skies have conspired, and to notice means that you have looked up. to look up at the sky, hopefully causes you to think of its magnitude and to recognise its beauty, and perhaps your own.

– a morning swim. I so enjoy the feeling of submerging in the water and being able to move through it. the body is alive, and moving, and how can that not be a cause to feel stirred.

– Bob Marley. “Who the Cap Fit”?

sometimes a song will come on, almost as if through the magic of your shuffle, exactly when you need to hear it, bringing melodies pure and true. and there is something about being in that moment in time and having the spaciousness to listen, and move with the words.

  1. ‘You are who you say you are’, but who is that?

We are not new to ourselves after all. Not ever really. So who are you, and who must decide that? Do I tell you who you are to me, if I do not yet find the words to tell that to myself? Who would you like to be, or maybe, how would you like to return to you?

  1. Who were we before?

Not in a romantic way. I mean, not only in a romantic way, but that too. but who were we before we were changed? before histories were taken and our names changed. who were we, and how can we remember once again? what are the practices and are there answers in beholding our breath, or finding and staying with what is beautiful?

  1. Can we be beautiful still?

And where will that pursuit lead us?

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